Registrer deg til EDF info days 2024

Det er nå åpnet for påmelding til EDF Info days som gjennomføres 28-29 mai i Brussel, eller online-deltakelse. Påmeldingsfristen er 22. mai.

I sin e-post til oss skriver DEFIS:

The EDF 2024 call topics, available on the DG DEFIS website [] or on the Funding & Tenders portal [], will be an important information for you to make the most of the event. You will be offered to select your topics of interest when registering.

You will be offered to pitch your ideas and experience in connection with these call topics. If you are looking for investments, you can also apply to pitch to potential investors. If you are an investor, you will have the opportunity to pitch to present your fund. You can submit a pitch request during or after registration, by 10 May, close of business. The programme of the pitch sessions will be made available soon after to the participants registered to the event.

As last year, the afternoon of the second day will feature several focus sessions. In order to ensure a smooth organisation, please register to your sessions of interest when you register to the event.